so i say make your own milk from plants because that’s what the animals are eatingto make their milk. second hand from the animal that produced it based on what theyate. we don’t need dairy to live, there’s no specificnutrient in dairy that we require and when we’re drinking dairy we’re getting ournutrients second hand. in my opinion dairy is not necessary and i want you guys to think about that fora minute.
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it makes some kick ass vegan ice creams.but today we’re just gonna show you how to use the coconut milk and i think that youknow coconut milk to drink it is far better than any dairy you know kind of milk or whatnot. so what i do with the meat is actually take it out anddehydrate it so i could have my own coconut shreds for later or i’ll blend somethinglike this to make the coconut milk which i can use you know in different recipes or otherthings. plus besides just getting the coconut water you’re gonna get the delicious coconutmeat so i have an abundance of extra coconut meat here because i always drink the waterand don’t eat the meat a lot. and based on my calculations i found thatactually a coconut in most cases is actually cheaper than buying the coconut water in thepackage. so if i want coconut water i not gonna buya package, i’m gonna buy a real coconut. insteadof buying a zico or one of the those otherīottled coconut waters, you know i think it’sbest to get foods actually found in nature. it’s more mature, it doesn’t have a lotof good water content and i mainly buy the coconut for the liquid containing side.

this is a standardbrown coconut that you may be familiar with. plus it’s also gonna let you know you knowhow to make the coconut milk. so this video isgonna answer that question once and for all. This is john kohler with we have another exciting episode for you and this was spawned by a viewer actually.he wrote in and said “hey john, what appliance do i need to make coconut milk? do i needa juicer or do i need a blender? because i saw you know a lot of people make the coconutmilks in the blender and then you know you make it in the juicer.â€.